Based on hugo:
- new post:
hugo new posts/
- local server:
hugo server
Techniques & Gadgets
Draw diagrams
Its code (be careful when copying the code, because there are two extra spaces in every line):
┌─────────────────►│ Action ├──────────────────────┐
│ └───┬────┘ │
│ │ │
│ ▼ ▼
┌───┴───┐ ┌──────┐ ┌───────────┐
│ Agent │◄──────────────┤Reward│◄────────────────┤Environment│
└───────┘ └──┬───┘ └─────┬─────┘
▲ │ │
│ ▼ │
│ ┌───────────┐ │
Math Typesetting
I use MathJax.
Basic usage of Mathjax: MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference or MathJax - Tex : Quick Reference Guide
How to transplant: see this blog
Documentation of loveit admonition
This is a tipA tip bannerIts shortcode:
{{< admonition type=tip title="This is a tip" open=true >}} A **tip** banner {{< /admonition >}}
{{< admonition tip "This is a tip" true >}} A **tip** banner {{< /admonition >}}
Mermaid lets you create diagrams by writing text in markdown files.
See this blog to add this extension to your blog.
But I want to use mermaid v10, so I change the
from<script type="application/javascript" src="" ></script> <script> var config = { startOnLoad: true, theme:'{{ if site.Params.mermaid.theme }}{{ site.Params.mermaid.theme }}{{ else }}dark{{ end }}', align:'{{ if site.Params.mermaid.align }}{{ site.Params.mermaid.align }}{{ else }}center{{ end }}', }; mermaid.initialize(config); </script>
<script type="module" > var config = { startOnLoad: true, theme:'{{ if site.Params.mermaid.theme }}{{ site.Params.mermaid.theme }}{{ else }}default{{ end }}', align:'{{ if site.Params.mermaid.align }}{{ site.Params.mermaid.align }}{{ else }}center{{ end }}', }; import mermaid from ''; mermaid.initialize(config); </script>
Its live editor
And I choose the theme neutral
sequenceDiagram Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you? Alice->>+John: John, can you hear me? John-->>-Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you! John-->>-Alice: I feel great!Its shortcode:
{{< mermaid >}} sequenceDiagram Alice->>+John: Hello John, how are you? Alice->>+John: John, can you hear me? John-->>-Alice: Hi Alice, I can hear you! John-->>-Alice: I feel great! {{< /mermaid >}}
Image Color Inversion and Zoom-In Effect
I combine these codes below to improve presentation of images: